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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Eric and the Hypochondria

It's my third day and I already seriously considered quitting. I had a topic in mind that I've wanted to write about for about six months now, but just didn't think I could give it my best shot today. So I came up with some others and didn't feel them either then decided I didn't want to do this anymore. No offense to everyone out there reading this but I'm starting to feel some pressure to write something good and I don't how to do that. I know you're expecting some God talk and I should really learn some more before I start going there.
I've been scared for about 3 months(or maybe even longer) that I'm going to die. I know there's something wrong with me I just don't know how serious it is or what to do about it. I know the first thing I need to do is lose weight( that's the topic I planned for today, maybe tomorrow). I went to the Dr. in november and he put me on blood pressure medicine and prozac, and sent me to a sleep clinic to get a breathing machine. That all worked pretty well until mid december when I started kidney pain and weird tingling warmth would wash over my body. So I went back and he said it wasn't my kidney is was just my back. Okay fine I'm a hypochondriac with an iPhone. 2 weeks later my chest starts hurting so I go back and he does a ekg(or whatever they do when they make you take your shirt off and stick probes on you). He said that was fine but sent me to a cardiologist(Awesome). I went to that guy and I was the youngest person in the whole building I'm sure. He says I'm probably alright, but he wants a stress test and an echo(great more taking my shirt off, I don't even take my shirt off to shower...just kidding, but it does suck). This whole process is about a month long, during which the weird tingly warmth was still affecting me while I was trying to sleep, but it turns out my hearts fine and they don't want to see me again for 30 years. That whole month I was on google every day and diagnosed myself with GERD or acid reflux. I called the Dr. and he prescribed some stuff. Everything was good again...for about a week.
I started getting headaches or really just a strange pressure in my head that seemed to be affecting my speech but I was the only one who could hear the difference. I mostly ignored this until last friday when it started getting really bad. It comes and goes and google says it could be anything from anxiety to a tumor and a whole mess of crap in the middle. Did I mention that I wake up and both arms will be numb even though I'm sleeping on my back. I woke up at 4 am this morning and I felt the pressure in the center of my skull pushing down and tingling all over my body. I get up and it's fine. I barely notice the pressure most of the days now but if I sit down it'll usually start to get to me. I know it's weird.
I know I should call the Dr. but I'm sure he's pretty sick of me and all the money I've thrown at him since early november. I know hypochondriacs and they are sooooo annoying, I just don't want to be that person, but I know that there is something wrong with me and if I could just figure it out I would be happier. It's really all I can think about which is why this is the post you're getting today instead of my battle with food addiction, although they may be related, who knows?

Eric Anderson

1 comment:

  1. Write when and if you want to. It's your blog. Do it for you and no one else. Truthfully the doctor probably loves you throwing money at him! I don't think you're a hypochondriac. I understand your concern. I would be too! I would recommend not trying to diagnose yourself. As you have already experienced, that can freak you out and probably unnecessarily! If I may, here's a bit of advice. Take it or leave it since you haven't really asked for my input. Ask God what is going on. Ask Him to show you or tell you what to do. As strange as it may sound He may be allowing all this just so you will talk to Him. Food for thought.
